Thursday, February 26, 2004


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A Journal from Austin, Texas.
A Project of LBFFP Stealth Publishing.

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we have a twenty-first century bed

We have been sleeping on a convertible couch since before Thanksgiving. Today we had a Tempur-Pedic bed delivered with all kinds of bells and whistles and two independent remotes.

We have one of the better convertible beds. But after a few months you feel cramped an surrounded by metal.

Since we have only one more thing to be done in the bathroom and the closet finishers, we figured we would get our bed delivered.

I'm not sure how it's going to sleep yet although we did try it in the store. It's supposed to be a good sleep. We shall see. If you can't sleep you can always raise up the head of the bed and give yourself a massage. Hmm.

Stay tuned for news on THE BED.






FFP investigates the new bed which I had made up with an old comforter in place of the bedspread we ordered that should be here next week and which himself says will make a dramatic statement.





You spend more time in bed.
Than any other place.
It should be nice.
Having a nice bed is step one.






Food Diary.


nothing but coffee


sandwich with mayo, horseradish sauce, spinach, two slices provolone and two slices of turkey
green onions


a twelve-ounce Dr. Pepper
a couple of ounces of cheddar, a few tortilla chips, green onions


fried catfish
field peas
salad with spinach, carrots, green onions, Bleu Cheese dressing and mozzarella cheese

Today I
- didn't drink but had a soda...shame!




Time flies....

I was up at a reasonable hour. We were waiting for the bed delivery. I tried to accomplish something. I spent time after it got in putting the lamps and bedside tables in there, making up the bed, putting stuff on the shelves to see how that would look and talking to FFP about the decoration.

Finally around ten I went shopping. I picked up some things at the Linens 'N Things. I went to Sam's for our cheese supply, some shampoo (I discovered they had my brand) and some stuff for Dad to serve at his church's Senior activities day. I also bought a carton of tennis balls. Ever hopeful that I'll play some more.

I took that stuff home and put it away and fooled around some more. Then I went to the club. I came back, talked to my friend who is assembling furniture and made a quick trip to the grocery store for some vegies to chop for serving for Dad's thing. I tried to get out of vegies but he kept asking me to do it. Even though FFP had been to the store earlier for us, I bought a bag of Fritos which he'd asked me to get on the way out. He also said to buy more bread but I forgot. We go to the store a lot. I try not to run out of some things, though. We had started the last jar of mayo so I bought some for the pantry on sale.

I put the groceries away and talked to my buddy some more and worked on my journal. She left, vowing to come back with her cordless drill to do screws tomorrow. These benches we bought have lots of pieces. I'm glad someone who is mechanically inclined is doing it. I continued working on my journal, trying to catch it up. I read the bed instructions and showed FFP how to use the remote.

Himself cooked dinner while I chopped a few things for salad and we ate and cleaned up.






Voices of D-Day. ed. Ronald Drez. (On bike.)

The Conquerers by Michael Beschloss. (In bed.)

Pending: DVD course on WWII.









recumbent bike
ergonomic rower
water aerobics
chest, shoulder, triceps
leg, back, bicep
lower back
ab exercises








I would have been in a better mood except for hearing that my dad's older brother broke his hip and except for worrying about how much we have spent on remodeling and decorating.


It's a Tangled
Web we weave...these
days of our lives.


One year ago
"Looking back on trips, especially those where business meetings weren't required, I can barely remember what I wore. Except that I always seem to be in black jeans, hiking boots and a black blazer or blue anorak in pictures. ".

Two years ago
"I feel like I got this huge reprieve because I don't have to go to Houston. Even though, well, yeah, it probably means my career is on the rocks. But, other than that.... And, of course, it doesn't really mean that. To them maybe. But, again, given my goals?"





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