Wednesday, February 26, 2003


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the melt

We are up around seven. It isn't melting much but the temperature is rising. Just a few more hours and we can go back to blissful ignorance of snow and ice in Central Texas. We are going soon to meet some more cold weather. In fact, I won't post this or any more entries until I've taken a trip to New York. Have to get ready, have to take the trip, have to arrange for the house and pet to be looked after. Prefer to disappear rather than announce our absence to the world.

It is nice to have a lot of time for sorting and getting ready to go on a trip. I don't worry too much about what I'll wear. Looking back on trips, especially those where business meetings weren't required, I can barely remember what I wore. Except that I always seem to be in black jeans, hiking boots and a black blazer or anorak in pictures.

So I slowly go over my packing lists, getting stuff out, sorting it into carry-on versus check, getting FFP going sorting his stuff out. I check with the kennel to see when they want Chalow since she will need to go today.

Deciding what books and maps to take, gathering up all the paperwork, checking the list and checking it again. Take this? Don't take that? Decisions.

Then it's time for lunch. FFP and I finish up the tuna salad. I guess we eat more meals at home (at least I do) since I retired. If you can call them meals.

I finally get out of the house. I take Chalow to the kennel. She doesn't notice I'm leaving her because she is sniffing the bag of food I buy for her to use while she is there as she is led away to the cage farm.

I go exercise.

Home again, I finish packing, and get ready for New York City.





my feet are cold but I will pose if asked

"Every true diarist knows that having a relationship with a diary is like having a relationship with anyone or anything else: the longer it lasts, the more it is bound to change."

Gail Godwin in Antæus, Autumn 1988




Getting ready.
Always say.
"If you have money and ID,
"You can buy anything."
But, really,
Who wants to shop?



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