Sunday, January 11, 2004


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A Journal from Austin, Texas.
A Project of LBFFP Stealth Publishing.

tangled WEB food reading writing time exercise health and mood




don't think, just do

I just can't be thinking about how I spend my time all the time. I've just got to do stuff.

I think you can do too much worrying about how you spend your time. Maybe just reacting and going with the flow is the answer.

Today I should have gotten up earlier and I didn't but I got a good workout in that was almost long enough. Then I socialized all day and answered e-mail I received and planned things of a social nature. I like putting Paris on calendar days. I like looking at possible cars to rent or hotels to stay in. I like sending email to friends.

It's all an excuse, of course, for not getting anything done.






picture taken of us during our DC trip





Going with the flow?
Does it mean...
The unexamined life?






Food Diary.




a little red wine
wild rice soup
brie with a compote
waldorf salad
berry cobbler

three or four cups of coffee


small salad with feta dressing
garden burger with lettuce, tomato, onion, pickles and a sauce
one glass Pinot

Today I
- ate socially. And, yeah, drank socially, too.





Time flies....

We aren't up early. We have a brunch at 1PM so we have to hustle off to the gym. We were going to go separately but there is a gas service truck behind my car. We have a hard deadline anyway. I have a good workout but not quite long enough.

We shower and go to brunch. Our friend, KK, has invited an interesting set of folks.

When the party breaks up, we go by Christopher House and see our friend. He has a bunch of visitors and then his wife arrives. "How are you doing?" I asked. "Not good," she says. Her hair has fallen out and the chemo has made her tired. She jokes just like old time, though.

At home, I do stuff on the computer, talk to Dad on the phone, talk to my aunt who will visit this week on the phone, do email, work on my journal. Soon it's time to go out to dinner and our two friends show up.

We go to East Side. After dinner we watch Sex in the City and one friend stays on to watch The Ring with FFP while I cower behind my newspaper. Still I get the idea. Scary and stupid.

I go to bed after sending another email about the France trip. But I can't sleep.






I'm reading that book of letters Eisenhower wrote to Marshall during the war. On the bike.







Thirty minutes on recumbent bike
part of my leg, back and bicep weight program








Physically feel strong. Emotionally feel lost.


It's a Tangled
Web we weave...these
days of our lives.

One year ago
"Except for drying the glasses and putting them away tomorrow and fetching and opening a number of bottles of wine, my part has been easy. Having said that, I'm tired. I've been on my feet and, I don't know, hosting is enervating. Maybe only for introverts."

Two years ago

"The spigot end falls off and orange soda sprays in several directions. I tell her as we mop up and the staff fixes it that this was probably the highlight of our day."




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