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July 21, 2000

"Peu de gens savent źtre vieux."

Francois, Duc de la Rochefoucauld

cable ready






Meta: I'm running behind on the posting but will catch up!






My company calls it 'paid time off' or PTO for short. You can take your religious holidays, you can go on a cruise or you can wait for the cable guy at your parents' new place. Whatever you want. And you get paid.

I get to their house at eight. Soon they head out for a doctor's appointment my mother thinks she has with a cardiologist. (It will turn out that she doesn't. Who knows who she did make an appointment with. But the good news is that they find the office and do make an appointment for a couple of weeks hence.)

I do a few projects. I make up the trundle bed. I label some files. I hook my new digital camera up to the bedroom TV I got my mom to try the video output connection.

The handy people (FFP's cousin and his wife) show up to deal with (1) an armadillo hole; (2) putting together some shelves; (3) hanging a heavy shadow box; and (4) repairing the plexiglass dust cover on Mom's dollhouse. My sister got Mom involved in miniature collecting. I believe I made the mistake of buying her the house kit. She moved the thing and the plexiglass is a bit damaged. (Perhaps it was time to give up some of these things. But I said if they moved, then I wouldn't complain.)


The cable guy comes. He's all efficiency. He gets paid by the job. He gets it done.


I go by the office and take a friend a birthday card. I take Mom with me. I take her to a linen store and we buy shower curtains and shower curtain rings and a liner for one that has none. We score a few night lights and a roasting pan to boot. And some bathmats for the master bath. It's been years since I've shopped for shower curtains (we have enclosures). We try to buy a bed spread for the trundle bed. But they don't make bedspreads any more. They make comforters and duvet covers. (A few years ago, the term duvet was unknown here, I swear.)

I put the shower curtains up (too much reaching for her) and decide we have chosen wisely.

I show them how to use the jacuzzi and Mom takes a soak.


I go home earlier than I would from work. FFP and I go to Westwood. We have a short workout on bike and exercise machine. At home, we shower and dress to go out on a date.

The Four Seasons dining room is quiet and subdued. We get a nice Burgundy. I have chilled 'gazpacho comsumé' with scallops and sorbet which is nothing like gazpacho except for the confetti of vegies garnishing it. It is unbelievably wonderful and refreshing. I have a special rare tuna appetizer and a third appetizer of delicious 'vanilla scented' sweetbreads.

Upstairs in the bar, we buy a cheese plate for dessert and some expensive port. I finish with a coffee spiked with Kahlua and Amaretto. We listen to Rebecca play.

Home again, I sleep right away.





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