Visible Woman AUSTIN, Texas, Dec 31, 2004 Feeling good and mood is up. My digestion took a little nose dive. Poor diet? Shut up. AUSTIN, Texas, Dec 30, 2004 Mood should be better but falling into a mental rabbit hole is kind of a downer. Physically I feel fine. AUSTIN, Texas, Dec 29, 2004 Mood should be better but a small out-of-sync thing is creeping in a 'spouse mood' overflow. AUSTIN, Texas, Dec 28, 2004 Just still feeling good. AUSTIN, Texas, Dec 27, 2004 Feeling a need to be a hermit but, at the same time, having friends over and scheduling stuff. Mood better. Physically feel strong and healthy. AUSTIN, Texas, Dec 26, 2004 No complaints really. Mood in a bit of a let down. AUSTIN, Texas, Dec 25, 2004 Bruises minor and I felt fine but mood is a little weird. AUSTIN, Texas, Dec 24, 2004 Felt a little down, but not too much. Health fine until I tripped over the dog and my lap robe and bruised my toe and knee. AUSTIN, Texas, Dec 23, 2004 Felt upbeat about the party being over and physically I was fine but I felt the effects of sloth toward the evening. AUSTIN, Texas, Dec 22, 2004 Wore myself out entertaining but weathered it pretty well. Sore feet at the end of the day yielded to bed and Motrin. AUSTIN, Texas, Dec 21, 2004 I feel a little stressed about the party but it isn't affecting my mood or health. AUSTIN, Texas, Dec 20, 2004 Feel good and mood OK, too. AUSTIN, Texas, Dec 19, 2004 Wrist pain disappeared. Didn't work out but was moving around all day. Mood good, but I'm at the point where I can't wait for the party to be over so I can 'relax.' AUSTIN, Texas, Dec 18, 2004 Tiny pain in left wrist in certain positions. (I've had a repetive stress injury there before. Where's that brace?) A little constipation. (Eat your yogurt and bran!) Mood is good although I'm fretting about entertaining a little. AUSTIN, Texas, Dec 17, 2004 Running around the tennis court, I realized I was pretty fit (if slow). My knees hurt a tiny bit. Mood remains stable. AUSTIN, Texas, Dec 16, 2004 I feel a little depressed about entertaining next week for some reason but it didn't really spoil my mood. Physically feel great. AUSTIN, Texas, Dec 15, 2004 Mood good and physically fine. Felt a little full after dinner. AUSTIN, Texas, Dec 14, 2004 Felt good physically, no complaints. Mood OK if not exactly soaring. AUSTIN, Texas, Dec 13, 2004 I always feel young around the old folks but a little sad because I know where I'm headed. AUSTIN, Texas, Dec 12, 2004 Going to a museum and sitting and drinking coffee are such pleasant activities. I'll be entertaining in the coming two weeks. Today I was selfish. (Yeah, just today, right.) Feel fine physically. AUSTIN, Texas, Dec 11, 2004 Felt a little headachey and nervous briefly because of two much sugar and coffee, I think, but it passed. In a good mood, really, in spite of the pantry cleaning, a depressing activity. AUSTIN, Texas, Dec 10, 2004 Feel great, mood up again. AUSTIN, Texas, Dec 9, 2004 Dusting is a downer. Accidentally making someone mad with a tennis call is a downer. Physically I'm fine, though. AUSTIN, Texas, Dec 8, 2004 Physically good. Mood on the rise. AUSTIN, Texas, Dec 7, 2004 Mood is good. Even when the pipe exploded. AUSTIN, Texas, Dec 6, 2004 Felt a little drifty but OK. AUSTIN, Texas, Dec 5, 2004 Fine, physically but, correct me if I'm wrong, it's a depressing time of the year, yes? AUSTIN, Texas, Dec 4, 2004 A little holiday-related depression. Physically quite fine. AUSTIN, Texas, Dec 3, 2004 Mood OK, but a little holiday depressed. Physically back to normal after mid-morning. AUSTIN, Texas, Dec 2, 2004 Mood fine but my digestion went south in the evening. AUSTIN, Texas, Dec 1, 2004 Felt good physically. A little distressed mentally with my mind going in ten directions but, in the end, a good mood really. Almost too good.
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