junk, a detail
seeing daylight
Just as stuff piles up elsewhere
and threatens to trap me in my office, the master 'suite' looks strangely
Forrest will not
be getting a tie or suspenders for Christmas. Not that I usually had
the courage to pick such items anyway. But I moved some of same around
today. He has a supply of them!
I won't be getting
any new shoes for a while. The bottom of my closet is full of shoes.
I must move them somewhere while the closet is torn out and the master
transformed into a suite with a walk-in closet. And...I picked up three
pair from the shoe shop that now look like new Ballys and Cole Hahns.
I really don't know where I can fit all my clothes. I think we are going
to have to put some more in boxes or something. I don't feel like I
have that many clothes.
When I retired, I
was happy to have time to paw through my stuff and sort it and organize
it. But it's getting old! Especially with the 'dodge furniture and stuff
game' we are going to have to play to do this tearing up. Hey, but when
we are through we will have a walk-in closet to clutter up. I swear...I'm
going to get rid of something every time I get something new from now
on. It seems like I've thrown out and given away piles in the last few
weeks. But there is still too much and now the too much is in a smaller
Moving stuff
Is one solution.
Maybe you will lose something in the swirl.
Food Diary.
two bowls of salad (mixed baby greens) with Martin Brothers Roasted
Garlic Ranch and cheese and carrots and green onions
1/2 large container of Vegetarian barbeque (wheat roast) (160 calories)
a few fritos
some Skittles (ah...what
a mistake...who knew Skittles were chewy enough to pull out a crown? well..at
least I didn't finish the package because of that!)
some cheese
some salmon/cream cheese
roll on crackers...a lot actually
(hey...how do I tell the difference today between 'dinner' and 'snacks?'
Well, really I can't.)
All I can say is this: I didn't have a Coke or an alcoholic
drink. And...if you are tired of hearing about my horrible diet,well,
think how painful it is for me!
Time flies....
I got an early start sort of. Still
it was lunch time after I'd done two errands and the bank and worked out.
Did two errands in the afternoon and dodged the maid. Didn't feel very
productive but, in some ways, things are coming together. I wanted to
move a small bar in THE ROOM about four feet but to do it I had to unload
bottles and glasses and then clean it inside and there was dust behind
it. So it goes.
We decided not to go to any of the
AFF movies so we could be ready for the moving men tomorrow morning and
so we could relax a little. Of course that just gave me an opportunity
to waste the evening. And I did. I napped, I watched the Cubs fold, I
watched junk on TV.
Finished Living to Tell the Tale
by Jane Taylor McDonnell. Will keep this one around as a reference.
(As if I can ever find a book I want to reference. My office is such
a mess.)
Grabbed I.F. Stone's A Nonconformist
History of our Times: The War Years 1939-1945 off a shelf because
I thought the above book would run out during my workout aerobic piece
and it did. Should lay good background for my pursuit of things D-Day.
Yes I will
write one day...when I'm ready for remodelers but they haven't come yet
I'll write. Then I'll write when I get tired of watching them botch stuff.
Really. No, really.
forty-five minutes on treadmill
my new chest and bicep exercises
twenty minutes on recumbent bike
Digestion back to normal. Feel
a little drifty...probably from having the house in such a weird state,
from going without a shower, from dislodging a crown (although my teeth
don't hurt).