Wednesday, August 6, 2003


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A Journal from Austin, Texas.
A Project of LBFFP Stealth Publishing.

food reading writing time exercise health and mood



detail from an office gone to seed...a pile of newspapers









I thought it would be different

I didn't spend too much time imagining my retirement. I intended to retire about now. After my mom's struggle last year, I just decided I'd do it then for a lot of reasons. I had a few ideas about how it would be. But it's been a little different than I imagined.

I kind of retired suddenly and then stopped to take stock after a while. Things were different than I thought. I thought I'd accomplish more. That my office floor wouldn't be littered with newspapers and boxes with forgotten contents like one of those houses you read about in the paper that has been inhabited for years by a couple of gradually declining people with an obsession for collecting useless things.

My goals were, of course, kind of loose: travel, get in shape, get the house in shape and get ready for downsizing, do things on a volunteer basis to expand and learn new things.

I have made some progress organizing our house and possessions but I have a long, long way to go. I've acquired new computers, a new camera and, of course, things meant to help organize. And it's still a disaster and I haven't learned to use the Mac or the digital movie camera. I haven't contributed much to the community although I've had meetings and benefits for arts groups.

What I have accomplished is getting a lot fitter. Although my diet is still awful, I've lost weight and gained some muscle. I have to keep up with this, though. I have realized some of my dream to hang around a country club, using the fitness area, pool and tennis courts.

I have also spent a fair amount of time with my dad, but there are still piles of Mom's things that need to be dealt with.

I thought it would be easier to travel with no job responsibilities or limited time off. However, we have a busy social schedule here and accomplishing the fitness program and the things in the house just get set back when I'm gone. The result is that I've had the following trips in eleven months: a short trip to Berlin, two trips to Denver and W. Texas, a couple of long weekends or holidays in Dallas, a long weekend in New York, a long weekend in San Francisco. I guess it's a lot and it certainly gave me time to get behind on the newspapers! (Actually on the last trip to Denver I took a pile of the unread papers and read them.)

I guess I'm getting adjusted to what it is really like to be retired for me. The actual reality. One thing I know for sure is that to do some of the things (get house in order, learn new things, travel, do good in the community) I need to spend the time getting and staying fit.

I thought I'd write more, too. And I don't know why this journal has taken on such importance. I guess it's just that I consider it the foundation of any other writing and, indeed, any other accomplishments. I don't really believe you've achieved something until you talk about it, I guess.







You can't anticpate.
Well, you can.
But it won't be accurate.
When you arrive.
Things in the future.
Will look different.
Even you.





Food Diary.

two bowls of salad with romaine, carrots, green onions, lite Caesar dressing, about four ounces of chopped chicken

two slices of Provolone cheese

red wine

melon with Proscuitto (two)

basil, fresh mozzarella and tomato salad (two servings)

A bunch of cheese and crackers and baguette

a small slice of chocolate torte with whipped cream, two sorbets, fruit

red wine and more red wine





Time flies....

I spent three hours at the club. That's more than I usually spend but it is a time-consuming aspect of my day. I did things around the house like a couple of loads of laundry and dumping flowers that were over the hill that just need to be done but take time.

I spent several hours trying to clean the floor of my office. But. I didn't succeed.

And I spend nearly five hours with my girlfriends. Eating, drinking and looking at pictures of Japan.





Moliie & Other War Pieces by A.J. Leibling. Read his piece on crossing the channel on D-Day on an LCIL.

Read a bunch of stuff in the newspapers I was trying to get discarded.




I have decided that, to write anything more than the journal, I have to accept the journal as a baseline.




One hour of water aerobics.

fifteen minutes on bike

Lower body and ab and lower back exercises

Twenty-two minutes on the bike.



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