
Aug 15, 2001

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a new outlook





Enough of this whining. I'm going to embrace what's good about it all and move on. I'm going to enjoy my evenings, weekends, holiday and vacations as long as I'm working and I'm going to retire at a reasonable age. The good news is that it is possible to do it. Retire, that is. It can happen. If you don't embrace the good life now, then when? Besides I'm taking a vacation next week.

They say it might rain tomorrow. That could improve my outlook, too.

FFP and I went to my friend LG's in the evening for take-out Chinese, wine, and chocolate cake with a boutique Cabernet Franc. So boutique it has no label. Delicious. My friend Pam is having a birthday so there was celebration

I have a vague sense of a corner-turning, door-closing, door-opening, view-changing event just outside my peripheral vision.

My pal Pam is retired. She still does a little contract work. She is writing books. She may write a business book called Chocolate Easter Bunny Leadership: Sweet on the Outside, Empty on the Inside. I may retire and write a business book called: The Emperor has No Clothes, But How Do you Like His Outfit? Subtitled: What to do when the only way to Keep your Job is to Live a Little Lie. Of course, Traveling Light is the first book I have to finish. And the screenplay for The Nancys. That needs doing. Will any of these projects see the light of day? Nah.... But the very idea of putting such projects on a list tickles me.

Pam and LG and I talked about our goal to visit all the tennis grand slams tonight. As well as a vague plan to visit a three-star French restaurant in the Alsace (Auberge d'Ill) where they have been but I have not. Those are great things to put on a list as well.





birthday cake continues


"Il faut faire provision de vivres, non de plaisirs. On doit les prendre au jour la journée."
Ninon de Lenclos, Lettre




You know how people show you some photos? And you flip through them and think, cool? Well if you have your Canon S20 with you then you can take a quick snap of the snap and stick it on your WEB page. And the mirror is reflected in the mirror....

I've never been inducted
Into a hall of fame
Sure, it was in South Dakota
But all the same...





Meta Notes and Links:
John Bailey's journal has always been pretty amazing and has become more so of late. He recently had a little rant about people who don't have a sufficient biography on their journal or diary setup to ground the thing and instead maybe have a twenty questions thing or a list of preferences. As we all know, I don't accept criticism of what I put here nor do I try to tell others what an online journal should be. However, I do lose interest sometimes if I can't place the 'age, sex, background, locale' of a person readily. I happen to think that my bio describes me pretty well. But I am making a list of loves/don't loves (hate is such a strong word). Because lists are fun. But I guess my biggest problem with online journals I read is waiting for my favorites to update. I don't get on notify lists. I don't mind checking to see if they've updated. I just don't like it when weeks or months go by and you just don't know if it is over.


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It's all very well to keep food for another day, but pleasure should be taken as it comes.