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February 16, 2001



"An optimist is one who knows exactly how bad a place the world can be; a pessimist is one who finds out anew every morning."

Peter Ustinov



For sale on ebay---searching for 'donut'

my skimping on dessert







calm returns

I wake up in the middle of a complicated dream. Many friends are in it. My friend Maggie from South Africa. Someone that might be FFP's cousin is picking stuff up at either a store or a construction site. He's neatly folding things. I'm reassuring someone that I know where my keys are.

Work on one thing at a time. Stay calm. Calm. Help other people stay calm. It's a good thing because as I work on a couple of presentations I find out that someone has an idea that I'll go to Hamburg in a couple of weeks and deliver some other presentation.

"We were wondering if you wanted to build up some more airline miles."

Well, no. I like to build airline miles by using my credit cards and then fly someplace for fun. Oh, well. I may still get out of it.

It's not productive to get too excited. It really isn't. Remember that.

Today I received an e-mail from a perfect stranger asking me where to get a fake donut. Something about my incipient fake food collection. But who knew perfect strangers would read my journal and expect me to know about that? Of course, I searched ebay. I really like this postcard for sale there. But it turns out gag donuts are available on the WEB. This isn't information you needed? Oh, well.

AMOA (Austin Museum of Art) had an opening of two shows. One featured work of photos and prints of Edward Ruscha. The other featured artists with a 'sense of play.' A very cool environment has also been created to allow kids to create art installations after seeing the exhibit. They can hang paintings and place sculpture in a dollhouse museum and create installations with a wall of cubby holes and an environment of color and texture and shape. (I wanted to play. Very cool.)

Then we went off to Westwood to exhaust our food requirement for the quarter. I had something they call the seafood martini which is shrimp, scallops and a bit of lobster sauteed in a vermouth sauce in a martini glass with speared olives. Too cute? Maybe, but actually quite tasty.

I had the lobster enchiladas. The veg of the day was a couple of kinds of beans. Tasty. FFP had a steak, a filet, that looked luscious.

Then we foolishly ordered a dessert. FFP was trying to get berries (which the waiter also cadged a few of) but we got the angel food cake with the bright red strawberry sauce. I've hidden the true color. Mouseover if you dare.

We feel asleep over the LD of Howard's End. LD technology is gone, gone, gone. But we still have disks and a player. We have DVD, too, of course. We only made it through one disk.


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