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March 5, 2000







where would jesus park?

The eXtreme dog walking team went to Hyde Park. Our joke is that this is our bad weather neighborhood. The morning was cloudy.

We walked on 43rd from Ave. G to Ave A and then started going up and down the avenues.

Unfortunately Ave. B Grocery isn't open on Sunday or we would have had a sandwich there.

Protesters were marching around Hyde Park Baptist Church. One of their signs provided the title of today's entry.

We skipped coffee at Quacks or Dolce Vita and instead took the dogs home and went to Aranda's. Forrest was getting ready to be Susan's Threadgill's assistant for today's production of Aida and didn't want to go for lunch.

The afternoon was filled with various things like reading, trying to make sense of my office and just thinking. Through it all, I watched movies. Like Desperately Seeking Susan.

From that fine movie: "Take a Valium like a normal person."


Cast party for Aida. Not sure why we were invited. Because we bought the privilege to have Forrest be assistant stage manager?

Forrest and I were talking about decorating. In order to decorate effectively, you have to be willing to subtract things. It's not enough to add neat furniture and accessories. You can't incorporate all the old stuff in there. Things have to go. Leave. Get out of here. Therefore, our mothers can't really redecorate because they won't let go of enough stuff.

We still have a few things around that we've had forever. We tell ourselves we will replace them soon. But someday some young person will come into our house and the atmosphere will seem as stale as Mrs. Haversham's.



"Property has its duties as well as its rights."

Benjamin Disraeli, Sybil



the reliable B

but not on Sunday

Hyde Park man

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