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March 1, 2000







work rocks, work socks, work ducks

I worked. I was charged up to get to it but, let's just say, things didn't all go that well. Tomorrow is also a day.

We checked out of the hotel this morning and I went to work. It was a nice one day vacation.

Did I mention I'm listening to Dickens novels in my car these days? They are hard to keep up with. But the dialogs and language are amusing enough.

We saw a basketball game. The UT women played Iowa State. They lost but it was entertaining. We had a drink at Four Seasons afterward. Sitting at the media table, I was treated to one very interesting moment when a player chasing a ball met the table in front of us. For one instant a basketball shoe rested on the overlap of the pad on the table and then...back to the court.

The view wasn't very interesting, but it made an interesting photo. It is kind of dreamy and introspective. Like days off can be. The mood that came and went soon enough.




"Throughout life, our worst weaknesses and meannesses are usually committed for the sake of the people whom we most despise."

Charles Dickens, Great Expectations



view from our room at the Driskill

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