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February 23, 2000







bright day washed clean

I left work just a few minutes early and that allowed a walk in the waning part of a beautiful day. Boy, it was tempting to play hooky today. But I didn't. But my walk around before the light failed was nice.

The calendar says it still might freeze for the next couple of weeks. The redbuds and everything else scream spring. I love it!

Forrest is taking an interest in his journal again. I wonder how long before we have a conversation back and forth. Some of the journals I've found are all connected and in these groups and rings and stuff. I don't really feel a desire to participate. In fact, I feel a desire not to do it sometimes. I'd like to be a little more obscure. Anyway, it reminds me of a Prodigy bulletin board we started called 'Austin Arts.' We had the Austin Arts world tour to meet each other. Had our own little coded secrets like the 'Donna Memorial.' Even if I don't have the desire to meet journalers at the moment, the fact that one of my favorites (Mighty Kymm) conducted a meeting and got some of the others to write about it was kind of intriguing.

Parents headed back today armed with map book, phone book, yellow pages, plans for the house, pictures of it under construction, a brand new strapping tape gadget, some boxes and packing and a couple of special boxes we hope will hold some of Mom's domed miniature displays. What more could they want? Probably to be tele-transported. Collections are heck to move.

I had to spend a hour or two tonight trying to make sense of some statements from the broker who can exclusively handle my stock options. The CPA had gotten confused trying to do the tax return. Looking at the statement, I don't wonder. I call them Smith Blarney, but I wouldn't name names.. Oh, well. I figured it out and I can explain it to my CPA tomorrow.


"Every good citizen . . . should be willing to devote a brief time during some one day in the year, when necessary, to the making up of a listing of his income for taxes . . . .to contribute to his Government, not the scriptural tithe, but a small percentage of his net profits."

Representative Cordell Hull , remarks in the House April 26, 1913, Congressional Record



redbud and a mighty oak



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