Forrest's Journal









When do you--


get to enjoy yourself?

I'm 54. I have the most remarkable wife on the face of the planet, we possess more money than I ever thought I'd see, we're debt free, healthy as horses, Good Right Arm is still intact, (in spite of my bankrupt clients' best efforts to drag me down), we have a beautiful home with a back yard that looks better than most public parks, and more toys than you can imagine, so why can't I be happy just one single day?

Recently, my bookkeeper asked me what my real passion is and I really couldn't answer her at that moment. But now that I think about it, however, it's obvious. The problem is, the only real passion I've had for the last twenty-four years has been Good Right Arm, Inc. Until you've had to run a one man business this long, you have no idea what 24/7 commitment means. At the end of '99, I decided to resign my biggest account, which I thought wouldn't affect me that much. Little did I know. The constant badgering with media reps around the country was really a turnon for me--that and the fact that it just made me feel so good to have a nationwide outlook on life. How the heck can I get that back?

The problem is, when your whole life for a quarter century has been geared to being in the hunt, you still gas up every morning for the kill, whether you rationally have to or not.

I've been so blessed. I just need to find a way to appreciate what I have.











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