Tuesday, March 30, 2004 |
A Journal from Austin, Texas. |
tangled WEB | food | reading | writing | time | exercise | health and mood |
in the groove I think my new profession, retirement, should have a groove. Maybe, just maybe, I found it.
Maybe that's the
problem. You need a grove. Not exactly a schedule, but a way of doing
business. Today, I felt in that groove. I calmly did my workout, my
chores, my meals out with friends. I did my favors, thought my thoughts,
did it with pleasure. And...I didn't get
that panicked feeling that I should be doing something else. |
blast from the past...collage from 1999 trip to Normandy
You've got to
have a way of living.
lunch snacks four orange slices dinner Today I
I wanted to get an earlier start. But I got to the club in time to do a bit of a workout. Then I rush home to get there in time to have a relaxed shower and be ready to go to lunch with some girlfriends. Of course, various things are bubbling around the household. In any case, at about 11:15 SuRu and I head to Ventana, the white tablecloth restaurant at the Texas Culinary Academy. We have a nice lunch with another friend in honor of her (recent) birthday. SuRu takes me home and goes for an appointment. I try to tidy up some of the things pending with me. I go pick up some shoes at the shoe shop, help the bookkeeper get her machine going, stuff like that. Then a friend stops by to leave her car here and get a ride to meet some relatives and to to the airport with them. Then I spent a little time watching some DVDs and reading. We went out to dinner, carrying a bottle of Silver Oak 1994. Our buddies showed up with a bottle of Premier Cru Burgundy. We had a nice Zoot meal. (FYI: chicken with kale is back on the menu.)
Newspapers. The (never-produced) screenplay of Harrow Alley in an old issue of Scenario The Magazine of Screenwriting Art. And started the screenplay for His Girl Friday. |
Thinking about Things.
* didn't actually do the biceps today
It's a Tangled |
year ago Two
years ago
I'm weighing on new scales in the bathroom and the balance beam at the club
(with workout clothes and shoes) and sort of guessing where I really am.