Sunday, October 5, 2003


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A Journal from Austin, Texas.
A Project of LBFFP Stealth Publishing.

food reading writing time exercise health and mood


some bow ties and stuff I'm boxing up








not as planned

I made plans. I thought I might do the AIA home tour, maybe a dog walk, maybe visit with my friend SuRu. Not what happened.

As planned: maybe take a dog walk fairly early with old buddy SuRu and then catch some brunch then maybe talk her and FFP into the AIA home tour and get ideas for remodel. In the evening make great strides cleaning out stuff to make room to move out of bedroom and bathroom for remodel.

As executed: SuRu didn't plan to get sore in her hand tool woodworking class and get home really late. She left a message that she wouldn't be available today as planned. My dad's friend (and one of the women in his Sunday School class who befriended my dad and my mom and I so much during my mom's illness last year) didn't plan to collapse with a viral infection and never recover. Dad called yesterday to say there would be a memorial for her at his church today and I said I'd go. It was a two and the home tour was noon to six so that wasn't doable. I replanned and did a workout in the morning and then cleaned out a couple of drawers and then showered and got my dad for the service. I didn't get home until after 3:30 and then I did change and start cleaning stuff but before I knew it, it was five. I was hungry even though I ate recently at the reception after the service. So I made dinner and that stopped my momentum somehow and I started reading papers and watching the baseball playoff on TV.

Well, my day didn't go as planned but that virus threw a major blow to the plans of an old and infirm man suddenly absent his mate.







Death leaves us dangling.
Stuff the person might have done.
A place they held in the living world.
Plans are made.
But other things happen.




Food Diary.


nothing...I got busy and forgot...seriously


lI had four little quarter sandwiches (pimento cheese and tuna fish salad) and a couple of handfuls of potato chips at a reception at my dad's church.

I had some Jelly Bellies...maybe thirty.

I had some cheddar cheese...maybe and ounce.

I had a banana.

Then I had a bunch of carrots and some more cheese and several ounces of salmon remoulade because I was still hungry.

medium baked potato with nonfat yogurt, shredded cheese, broccoli and sunflower sprouts, green onions

I kept thinking about having a drink or some other snack...a piece of pie my dad gave me or a coffee yogurt I had in the fridge or something. But I was trying to drink less and tomorrow is some wine-oriented event. Finally, I ate a banana because it was ripe and it called out to me as something I should eat. But then later i snacked out until I was really quite full For some time I haven't paid any attention to controlling my eating, not really, not much at all, and I don't know why I am now except that I still need to lose a little and, probably, exercise alone isn't going to take me much further. I forgot to eat until 3PM and then I ate too much after that. But, um, I didn't drink. And my theory was that if I could avoid a few drinks a week that would be good. Yeah, I guess.





Time flies....

The day kind of slipped away from me without the accomplishments I'd hoped for. Sigh. I also thought of a bunch more things I had to store some place. And I'm worried about the fragile things that might be too near the destruction that precedes construction.





Two Sides of the Beach by Edmund Blandford. Yes, I am going to finish this soon and no it isn't that long. Makes me want to read other accounts of the same campaign but I think I might read about the American campaign.

I read quite a bit of the papers. The New York Times had an article about George Plimpton's parties.




I took my laptop into the big room to work on the journal because...I don't know, I guess because I could. I turned on the wireless connection. I can't seem to hold the connection in my easy chair...only at the writing desk. Too much interference in this house. And what, you ask, does that have to do with writing? Well, the thing is that usually I sit in my chair if I get engaged in watching something in THE ROOM. And then I read old newspapers but I don't write anything.




thirty minutes on recumbent bike

new shoulder, back, tricep weight workout

twenty minutes on recumbent bike

twenty minutes on recumbent bike





126/73 76

Physically I felt pretty strong and healthy today all in all. Mood a little subdued. After I over-snacked in the evening, I felt a little stuffed and uncomfortable.


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