Saturday, August 30, 2003


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A Journal from Austin, Texas.
A Project of LBFFP Stealth Publishing.

food reading writing time exercise health and mood


this was for sale on S. Congress...maybe I should have gotten it...I might need a 'Wonder Special Camera' in my life about now









things change

I didn't really need more reminders, but I got them.

The anniversary of Mom's death, the upcoming anniversary of my retirement, a certain amount of tension around here about how to manage the changes in our life like the unrented building. There were plenty or reminders that things change. Then Forrest's aunt died and we met up with a friend who was recovering from severe medical problems. Everything changes. It only leads to one conclusion. Yeah, I knew that.

I ddin't need to be reminded.

Of course, amidst all that, I feel I'm physically and mentally in better shape than ever. Of course, I feel bad about being unproductive for almost a year. But maybe I've prolonged my life. Or at least the part of my life where I feel well. But maybe I've just tipped the balance toward outliving my money, both my retiring and getting healthier. Maybe I should drink even more and eat more trans fat. Nah.







There's nothing else.
To wish for when it's slipping.
To revel in when your tripping.
It's life at its best.
Not, I'm willing to guess.




Food Diary.

About 12pm
Spinach salad with cheese and low fat dressing and roasted chicken. Half a banana and a few carrot pieces.

About 3:30pm
[Logan's Road House]

Caesar Salad with Salmon and a Caesar dressing. A few peanurs. A whole decadent yeast-rising roll with a buttery top. (I didn't add butter and can't imagine why you'd need to but it was on offer.) And part of another roll. (Good rolls, hard not to eat a dozen.)

About 7pm
Jack Daniels and water.

About 9:30pm
[Four Seasons Hotel]

Jack Daniels and water, a few potstickers, a couple of ceviche nachos (little chips with ceviche and avocado), half a pizza.


It was a weird day, eating-wise. But then, when isn't it for me? The AP recently reported the following:
"Over the past half century, Americans' consumption of cheese has soared from 6 pounds a person to 30 pounds. Most of the added cheese is being consumed in the form of pizza."
Yeah, well today I had pizza but usually I just add cheese everywhere. And, yeah, yeah, I know about the fat and all. But think of all the good calcium I'm getting..





Time flies....

Everything seemed to go in slow motion today. I was up not all that early. We had one of those calls...where you find out about an older relative's passing (Forrest's aunt). We worked out, we watched movies, we went out to listen to music. The day was OK and it disappeared and there isn't much to show for it but I feel different a little.





Started two books. Jules Verne's Paris in the Twentieth Centry and Life Stories, Profiles from the New Yorker ed. by David Remnick. Almost staretd City Women, Stories of the World's Greatest Cities by various famous women.




Don't ask. I watched, I listened, I observed, I argued, I lived. But I didn't write.




Twenty-three minutes recumbent bike.

Upper body (chest, back, shoulders) exercises.

Twenty minutes recumbent bike.


Felt OK physically. Felt like my mood could have sank. But somehow I just didn't let it.


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