Wednesday, August 27, 2003


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A Journal from Austin, Texas.
A Project of LBFFP Stealth Publishing.

food reading writing time exercise health and mood


that's me on the left...I'm pretty sure it's my birthday in spite of my sister and neighbor being front and center









time flies or at least moves inexorably

All day I had that feeling of time running out from under your best intentions.

Time keeps going, whether you do or not. There's a barge in the river where we eat and sleep. It moves slowly, or so it seems, while we take off on bicycles or walks and catch up again. But inexorable is the barge, life's time line.

OK, bad metaphor maybe.

I was groggy getting up, but I was early for water aerobics. Afterward, I put on my shorts, T-Shirt and tennies and worked out in the gym. I felt like I had all the time in the world for the gym. In reality, there were things I needed to be doing. There always are things to do.

I got home and, as usual, washed out my bathing suit. That's something you need to do before you forget it and the chlorine rots your suit away prematurely. I noticed the toilet looked like it was stopped up and had to spend a little time with plumber's friend getting that fixed. My sister had called and I called her back. When I took the old towels I'd used to mop up the floor to the laundry, I noticed sheets that needed folding.

Anyway, after eleven, I sat down at my computer with some water and a coffee yogurt. I thought, hmm, maybe I'll turn on the TV and see if I can find any U.S. Open Tennis. Would that be a mistake? Probably. As it turned out I only watched the tube briefly. There have been times when I stared at the TV and lost track of time. Oddly, now that I'm retired I don't watch that much. I don't know why. I always feel like I have another pressing engagement. Sometimes I half watch with Forrest while reading. Then I'll notice his eyes are closed.

The Roadrunner modem slid into oblivion. There was time on hold and time talking to a customer representative. Time rebooting the modem and hoping.

And I sorted more of Mom's old pictures, postcards and travel memorabilia. Some things only mean something to the person who perserved them. There are pictures (mostly grainy and poorly exposed and framed) of meetings of weavers and miniaturists. There are those landscapes we all shoot that later seem to be 'just another picture of rocks or ocean or mountains or fall leaves.' Time seems to drift around over the years while I do this but when I return from my reverie, today's clock has been ticking.

In the evening I suggest a trip to Fonda. FFP doesn't resist. There is another documentary in the film fest that I want to see but it's not showing until 9:40pm. So we wile away time over drinks and chips, apps and a shared entree. We make conversation with Lisa, our favorite waitress and other workers.

Then I do waste some time in front of the TV (where time disaappears into hour chunks of show and commercials) with some U.S. Open coverage while reading newspapers. Then I head for the movie, leaving way too early. In spite of overshooting the turnoff from S. Congress and having to turn around and go back, I'm way early. I talk to friends standing in line. I read while waiting for the movie. I feel sleepy in the movie but I only doze a couple of times.

At home I try to read and watch TV but I only fall asleep. Another day is spent and what do I have to show for it? Not much. But the time passed, nevertheless.







Time grinds away.
We stop, start, hesitate.
Time never.




Food Diary.

About 11am
Carton of Dannon Coffee Yogurt. (150 calories).

About 4pm
Boiled egg, 3/4 ounce Laughing Cow Cheese, three wasabi peanuts.

About 5:45pm
[Fonda San Miguel]

Margarita, glass of wine, three tortillas and queso asado and marinated vegies and one salmon tostida and a bite or two of chicken and rice. And, of course, some chips and salsa.

I actually think that this bizarre 'diet' of mine may actually allow me to continue to lose weight and tone up. If I continue to exercise a lot. We will see.I read in the paper that 'diet blogs' are popular self-help for diets. Hmmm....I wonder if I've accidentally been doing one. I hate that term, blog.





Time flies....

There are ways that time disappears. TV coverage of whatever (in this case U.S. Open Tennis) is an insidious one. Surfing the WEB is another. Moving around the house, doing laundry, folding it, putting it away, getting some food, cleaning up the kitchen, emptying trash, watering plants. More of my time seems to be sucked into this type of vortex since I'm around the house. I keep thinking that I'll get the house all orderly and it will function better. But these chores will still come around every day.





Mr. Wilson's Cabinet of Wonder by Lawrence Weschler. I visited The Museum of Jurassic Technology a decade or so ago. Mr. Weschler does what anyone who visits this idiosyncratic wishes they had time to do...try to figure out what is real and what is not. But, as in most things in life, that eludes him anyway.




There just wasn't time for anything but the journal.




One hour water aerobics.

Thirty minutes bike.

Ab and lower back exercises.



I felt good and strong today. But then I almost always do.


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