Tuesday, January 21, 2003


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maid day

I get up and determine that I'll go to the club this morning and finish and get back and shower before the maid comes. I get the workout (forty-five minutes on the bike and five lower body machines). I get home and I shower and dress. (Dad has stopped by, apparently. He's been to the bank and he left some cash on the table.) A note says 'lunch money.' He's so funny. This is his way of paying the bit extra we need to cover his bills and taxes.

The maid still isn't around when I get done with my shower so I have half a grapefruit, some leftover pork, some leftover carrots, a salad. FFP has some salmon with a sauce he made a few days back and some of the carrots. I clean up. I decide that I'll try to get some of the surfaces cleared (including the floor in my office to 'set the stage' for cleaning it up thoroughly. I had started by cleaning out some drawers. But I can barely move in here. Sigh.

The maid comes. She describes her latest car wreck. She seems to have a wreck every week. I worry. I worry that she won't be able to drive herself to work. Otherwise, you can't worry about other people. It will make you crazy.

In the process of trying to clear some surfaces, I have to stop and shred paper and then deal with a bunch of unread newspapers. Unread newspaper is a theme of my life, isn't it? I wonder why?

A little later, FFP asks me to go pick something up at the big ad agency that styles itself 'Idea City.' I agree, knowing I can go have a look around Book People. I keep think I'm going to get out of there without buying anything, but I look at their New York travel stuff and find this great map book of the city with a cross reference for all the stuff you might be looking for and another book about New York. I should have put them back. I find a bunch of things on the bargain table but only end up buying three of them. I almost buy Dave Eggers book which you can't get at the regular book store. I don't, though. I go put it back. They seem to have a lot of them and it's gotten panned and I have lots of books. I do buy a small Phaidon photography book of Walker Evans photos. I'm about to read a biography of him and it will make a nice companion to that. (Really, I'm starting to read that any day now.) So, yeah, I supported a local independent bookstore. You could put it that way if you wanted to be nice. And I didn't buy everything I considered, did I?

Finally, I feel like going home and getting back to the reading. Fortunately, the maid is gone when I get back. I like it when she is gone, it's peaceful again. And, I hope she gets home without having a wreck.

I give FFP the stuff I picked up and then I go downstairs and have an apple and start working on the papers again only I have to stop and look at the mail that FFP put in my chair. Nothing cosmic. He sorted out the bills and important stuff. Still, I fumble with it for a few minutes.

I read a few of the papers and put them in the recycling sack, download and edit some digital pictures, rearrange a bookshelf to accommodate some books that were occupying some of the precious 'horizontal filing space' (desk top). Before I know it, it's time to go out.

We met a young lady (27) the other day at an opera 'dark night' event. She was a nice gal, striking, worked for a local company that is successful and has its founders still working there (one of whom is a friend of ours). She does European marketing for them and is from Russia. FFP asked her to go out and have a bite with us after that but she couldn't. They exchanged e-mails, though, and he has invited her to dinner at Zoot. It's so much fun to go out with someone new, especially when they have such an interesting story.

We met at Zoot and got our regular table. We took a bottle of 1994 Pine Ridge Cabernet. I tasted it and it seemed fine, OK. But then it developed into deep, velvety and delicious within minutes.

We all ordered this veal three ways dish which had this delicious veal cheek and a single rich succulent sweetbread as well as veal in its normal form. FFP and I had a special celeriac soup and Marina had a salad. She told us about Russia, about coming to Austin for an exchange program, about a Russian expat group they had (which includes some 'mail order' brides they try to help), about her work in marketing (first for Loreal then a high tech company). We realized that the inauguration festivities were going on because people in black tie and military dress uniforms were dining. Then a good friend of ours emerged from the table tucked in the front of what used to be the screen porch (that used to be our table before we decided to sit front and center and 'supervise'). They went off to the big shindig, introducing us to their companions. We'll be in New York with these folks and we discussed that and our supper club which they are also a part of.

We finish up the wine and have coffee. FFP and I share a cheese plate and Marina has a chocolate dessert.

FFP thinks going to hear Rebecca in the Four Seasons Bar is a good idea but worries because of the inauguration. He called and they said 'it was crazy but there's a lull now.' We drive over there in our car and get a great table. There are lots of people there from the event and more keep coming. It got loud. We introduced Marina to people. We gave away our extra chairs. Then some people come and we want them to sit with us so we talk the manager into getting three chairs from some meeting room. Marina falls right in to talking to the pillars of politics, the arts and society. She probably thought we were popular folks, but we did have the table, that was the hook.

It's a work day tomorrow for some folks so we head home. I fall into bed and try to finish my book but fall asleep. Maybe it was that glass of champagne our companions at the end bought us.

So I know you've all been waiting for the retirement report and the resolution report. (Hey, I put it at the end, so you can just skip it.)

Heck, let's just start with the resolutions. I have clipped them below as written on the last day of 2002. My comments are just after the point.

  • Lose five pounds. [This is a easy goal, it would seem. The spam e-mail says '32 pounds in three weeks' or '12.5 pounds in three days' but, no, my goal is to lose five more pounds and stay there.]I'm at 173 and this is the least I've weighed in the last few years when I hadn't had some illness that made me lose my appetite. My appetite is great, I haven't changed my diet much. (I am trying to eat more fruit and vegetables but not to the exclusion of nachos or anything.) It's all about exercise and the time to do it. I hope.
  • Drink more water. Exercise helps. I get thirsty and drink. I make it a point to take a bottle of water with me when I watch TV or go to bed. I drink water while at the club. Still, more water would be good.
  • Eat more healthy food. Fruit! Vegetables! Every day. See above. I'm trying to eat salads (yeah, yeah, with cheese and fatty dressings, but still) and I'm eating raw broccoli and stuff like that and fruit, too. We eat at home more and I'm not sure this helps but I think it does. FFP is trying to eat a more healthy diet and buys fish and cooks it. That helps.
  • Write! Not just this journal. All the short stories I've outlined. All the essays. Start on the novels and non-fiction books. I'm definitely displacing, cleaning out everything in sight. "Hm, let's make sure every pen in this drawer actually writes...." I need to set aside time to write something besides the journal. One of you dear readers e-mailed this advice. Yeah, I know. Just as soon as I read all these newspapers....Notice there is no resolution about the newspapers. Damn the newspapers! But I love them.
  • Find an appropriate volunteer activity. I'm still a slug, a drain on society. I'm going to do something for the good of mankind (besides donating money and going to charity events and having charity events here...we still do that). It needs to be the right thing, though. I don't want to rush into something or to commit to the wrong thing. Pitiful excuse, I know.
  • Travel and, when I do, take the time to prepare by reading books. I have spent more time preparing for New York than I usually do, but I need to do more reading rather than just buying books!
  • Pay more attention to investments and our budget. Save money. We are doing pretty well on our budget, I think. I pay attention to everything I spend although it doesn't always stop me from spending. Buying 'stuff' seeems to have been more curtailed by trying to clean out stuff ('no more pens until we see if these write...') than worrying about living within my means. I have reviewed investments but without getting obsessed with CNBC which, I think, is an addiction like gambling.
  • Continue my workouts and start playing tennis and maybe racquetball. I have almost gone up to the practice court to play tennis and I have talked about it with a couple of friends. And I found my racquetball stuff and put it in the car, I think. I talked to someone about playing racquetball, too. I will need some different activities to keep the exercise going soon.
  • Take Bridge lessons and learn more about Bridge.I tried to sign up for Bridge lessons at the club. (Bridge and Tennis...that's so, so retired!) But they didn't get enough people who wanted to play. Maybe I'll have to read Bridge books. I have about two dozen and soon, with my displacement cleaning, they will all be neatly organized into one spot.
  • Cook more. Start making crêpes again. Where did I get the crêpes idea. Still, it's a good one. I have cooked a little more than usual, but not much. On the other hand, I'll soon have the cookbooks all in one place and the refrigerator cleaned out!
  • Get the closets, garage, drawers, shed, yard, storage room clean and keep them that way.Good thing I made this one since all I seem to get to is cleaning. It's going oh, so slowly, though that it may take all year.
  • Learn to make a movie.I have looked longingly at the books and the instruction manual for the XL1 I have access to.
  • Learn more about photography.Does buying a new camera count? Wait...I did that before the end of the year.
  • Geez, this list is too long...make shorter lists.Really, I need to spend less time making lists and more time checking things off.
  • Ride the bus and write about it.I actually reviewed the Capital Metro Web site and I've saved up quarters. If I do this and write about it, will it count as writing or is that just my usual journal?
  • Get my mother's things sold or given away or packed and sent to my relatives.My sister promised to come and help. But I'm saving her some boxes and bubble wrap.
  • Read more books.I am definitely reading more.
  • Do some Windows programming and JavaScript and learn Linux.Does it count that I moved books around on these topics while cleaning?
  • Hmmm...it's the same every year, isn't it? Why don't I make one list for all time (work harder, read, write, exercise, eat better, learn stuff, save money, lose weight, be a better person).Nah, this is more fun!

The resolutions could just be the retirement report I guess. But with the retirement report (four months! zowie!) we are more looking at where all that time goes and how that feels rather than just what the accomplishments are, strictly speaking.

Well, some days it feels insanely good, I have to say. I'll be picking out a good book to read or deciding that I can visit with my dad, have lunch with my husband and walk for an hour and a half and then exercise and read. All in one day that isn't a weekend. Other times, it feels a little tense deciding how to spend the time. Because chats, lunch, exercise and all that don't feel productive and they don't contribute to the bottom line or domestic success of the family.

I know I'm displacing with all the cleaning that I try to dress up as domestic necessity. But I'm not sure what I want to accomplish either so the cleaning is good. Better not to start doing wrong thing! As I go about cleaning and exercising and socializing and such, I'm outlining fiction and non-fiction in my head. I'm thinking about what the real problems are that one might solve and either make money or save the world. Really. Now, I always engaged in these thoughts when I wasn't thinking about work. Sometimes even when I was allegedly at work. But things should be different now. I should have time to actually take action, right?

No thoughts of marketing software or inventing new software features or solving corporate politcal problems come rumbling in and mess up my thoughts. (Although occasionally I'll think briefly about my old life and ideas for that profession, the ideas don't occupy big chunks of mental energy and I never think about the politics that, when you work, creep in until they sometimes dominate all technical thought.)

I'm getting more and more focused on some nexus of purpose that is just a little unformed. Yeah, that's it.

People ask me what I've been doing and I either say "I exercise every day." or "Nothing." The first is pretty darn true. The second isn't really but I like saying it. I like having the courage to say it while thinking of myself reading a book while sitting around in sweaty clothes with my hair going in nine directions. I like the look on people's faces when they realize what a stance that is for someone whose hair isn't gray yet. You know what they say...living well is the best revenge. Now I just have to find this book I have that is perfectly useless except for its title (Living without a Goal) and display it prominently where guests can see it.

But, seriously, I'm not panicked yet, but at some point I might want to be able to recite some accomplishments, even if I still say "Nothing."





Lake Austin isn't just over the rails at Mozart's in these days of lowered lakes (and expectations)


"Creating art is simply coping with suffering. The process of creating is one of 'solving' certain problems, internally, expressed visually. Once that is done, the artist is anxious to move on to the next process. The finished piece is not the thing, it's really about the process of coping with existence."

my friend Nancy Lilly, in a e-mail dated today

It is not enough to be h



What are other people thinking?
Can they know your life?
I can't really figure people.
How they spend their time.
And why.
I understand.
Free time, retirement.
Real decisions.



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