Sunday, January 12, 2003


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laziest day in a decade

I'm in bed until around nine. I fool with the computer, read papers, drink coffee. I don't know really. I keep thinking to go to the club but it's cold and rainy. FFP makes migas and we eat that.

I finally do go to the club. I go with FFP. He is ready to go before I am, but I do most of my arm exercises after the bike for 45 minutes. I'm still reading Driving Mr. Albert.

And that's my day's only outing. I brush my teeth but don't shower. I eat some ceviche that never got served last night, eat some cheese and some chips and hot sauce. I drink a Cherry Coke. I read various sections of the Sunday papers including an article in The New York Times that promises to explain who is rich in America, but fails to do it. I read the magazine and book review for the NYT. I read the local obituaries.

FFP makes fish in a pepper and olive broth for dinner and I have that and some raw broccoli with the leftover aioli mayo. We watch Law and Order and Boomtown. I move my reading to the bed. I read a couple of sections of the papers and then fall into watching an awful, predictable baseball and love movie with Freddie Prinz, Jr. called Summer Catch. How and why do I watch such trash?






I didn't take any pictures or even look for any for you...I was too lazy.


"The way the story reads--the words that students will find in the book and will believe were put down that way from the beginning, cut in stone--is only another stage in the struggle to get the writing to do its work: the version that the author and the editor had to let go of in the end"

Roger Angell, in an article "Storyville" in The New Yorker, June 27 & July 4, 1994

It is not enough to be h



If you had a whole day.
To read.
To think.
Would you do a lot?
Of reading?
Of thinking?
Not really.
That would spoil the laziness.
Of a lazy day.



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