
Oct, 21, 2001

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Sunday in Austin





In the middle of the night, inside a dream of a high profile friend who was living in a weird house with steep stairs, I get a cramp in my calf. It really, really hurts and I scream out. FFP fetches some water and I rub and rub but it stays sore part of the day.

The Urban Adventuring team heads to Clarksville. He park in our usual 13th Street spot. We wind and weave, spying a new duplex infill near Mopac that is amazing, walking down animal mailbox street. It is foggy and damp. Flags on display droop. I've been noticing that many flags are tattered, fading, wrapping around bushes, drooping in the damp. I like them better this way, truth to tell. There are flag rules, of course. But it reminds me of the sixties when we decorated with flags, ate off stars and stripes dishes, wore flag TShirts (sometimes with peace symbols instead of stars sometimes just flags). We didn't necessarily agree with the government. With Viet Nam. But our flag 'use' celebrated the great freedom we have to express ourselves.

We stop at Sweetish Hill. We see our friend Bonny Mann who is pregnant. She and her mom are off to finish a concrete fireplace as soon as she gets some decaf.

Home from the walk, I have some cheese and onions for lunch (and half a beer). I work on my WEB page. Somehow getting my WEB page in order is a higher priority than it should be. Or is it? It's my one creative thing. The thing over which I really have some control.

Knights of the Vine. It's a pretenious name. And the folks probably look pretentious with their Taste du Vin decorations and stuff. But trust me. They don't take it seriously. It's all for fun and wine. And a laugh or two. That's what we spent our evening on. And if anyone was pretentious, they'd have gotten our scorn.



Sixth Street Window

Sixth Street Window, too


knight of the vine taking it quite seriously


"Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace..."

John Lennon, "Imagine"




We'll just be keeping Lennon's radical lyrics here indefinitely. I'm almost up to the point of updating in, more or less, real time.



Life is so good.
And the pain elsewhere.
As close as CNN.


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