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July 20, 2001




"L'absurde est la notion essentielle et la première vérité."

Albert Camus




new friend, old friend


late night Congress Avenue

I feel a format change coming on. That's why I've been putting up annoying backgrounds. So you will be glad when the format changes.






I woke up tired and worn. I had a sniffle last night out of nowhere. Allergies. Took a little Dimetapp and it's gone this morning but my head is stuffy.

I had meetings and visitors. Things seemed odd and out of sync with time. Deja vu and jamais vu. And, yes, I know I've left the same French quote on the page for days.

After work, I went home and we got ready to go to dinner. FFP picked a couple of nice bottles of wine from the cellar (Caymus Conundrum and a Silver Oak). We met a client and friend of his. Forrest has had this client for twenty years. We thought it worthy of a dinner at Zoot. So it was.

We swapped stories and we dined. I had a green gazpacho and tuna. It was tasty and the place mellowed into a low buzz, noisy enough to keep our stories of local characters at our table, quiet enough to be heard.


Our dinner guests weren't up to the Four Seasons. I was sort of tired myself. But we went over there and listened to Rebecca a bit which you could do because the bar was quiet. We saw Emily Tracy, a school friend of Emily's from way back, now a writer for film and TV. She said she had written a movie called The Wedding Dress about this dress and the history of the people who had it. Then another of Forrest's friends for a long time, since public school, came in. Forest (one r) had with him a gal named Connie. We'd never met her. She's originally from Wyoming and does have kind of a Western glow. She sells cars. And pickups. In Marble Falls, I think.

I fall into bed at home. I'm exhausted. I've had a little alcohol. But, thankfully, it's the weekend.





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