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June 10, 2001




"No family has yet solved the problem of what to do with possessions that are not good enough to keep, and too good to throw away."

unattributed in 20,000 Quips and Quotes edited by Evan Esar




a dream? no, somewhere in London it really exists...or did in 1999






one less thing

I woke a couple of times and dove back into sleep. I couldn't remember my dreams. But FFP had a most interesting dream about filming digital video of people walking high steel. Very vivid. He told me about it. I thought it had to do with the dance piece we saw last night. Maybe. He rarely tells me his dreams or rarely remembers them. I don't know which.

I worked on my WEB stuff some. I worked on some graphics I was doing with Fireworks for FFP. I made a birthday card. Which entailed thinking something up and looking for the pieces for it. Dragging down a few boxes of stuff. And wishing I had it more organized.

We made an outing to Michael's to get a can of rubber cement and some blank cards and picture frames. We stopped in Borders but didn't buy anything. We have enough books. And we get a discount at B&N.

I looked around all day and saw all kinds of stuff I should be doing. But it just didn't seem to all get done. I accomplished a few things, I suppose. I considered cutting up the boxes that a computer came in months ago that are cluttering the storage room. I considered doing a dismantle on FFP's dead computer. Didn't do either one. I kept thinking: if I just got rid of this or would be one less thing. There are so many this or thats, however.

I watched old movies...Travels with my Aunt, Singing in the Rain. I looked at Houston and Baton Rouge weather reports and worried about friends, family, colleagues who live there. Mother nature rules. My company's VPN connection failed Saturday morning and didn't start working until late last night. They have had to limit phone use from the home office, too.

In the evening we went to Knights of the Vine Event. At a wonderful home. These folks have never furnished a large room that overlooks Town Lake. There are a few pieces along the walls and a big dining table. So they can set up rented tables and chairs and a bar and have a great party. Jeffrey's catered. All the usual suspects were there.

We left at 9PM and watched a tape of Sex in the City and Six Feet Under. And we fell asleep.



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