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June 4, 2001




"The way to love anything is to realize it might be lost."

Chesterton quoted in 20,000 Quips and Quotes edited by Evan Esar




flood postcard on ebay







ankle deep water

I woke in the middle of a complicated dream. I was tired. All I remember is ankle deep water. A friend wrote an e-mail later and said I'd been appearing in her dreams. Not wading, though, apparently.

Work was one of those days when you are working on something and you get an e-mail. You decide to test something before answering the e-mail to be sure that you can do it. This fails but for an unrelated reason (disk full). So you clean up some stuff and then you stop and ask, "Where was I?" Because back a few layers you were doing something important. Actually, I do very little that is actually important any more. Well, that's not true. I have an effect. Just not on the creative, product things I'd like to affect.

I had lunch with FFP. I just felt like being with him some more. That was a nice part of the long corporate weekend.

Stopped by the parents after work. Just to say 'Hi' and show my mom a couple of things on the computer one more time. They'd like to get away to Colorado but they keep having things like a little skin cancer removed or an appointment with this doctor or that or the dentist. In my dad's case, the dermatologist had to take stitches on this thing on his chest so it wasn't so little. He has to go back to get the stitches out in two weeks although he says, "I could have told them that I have some suture scissors and I can do it myself." He would, too.

I find I miss them after a few days apart. It's strange because when they were living two hundred miles away we saw each other four, maybe five or six, times a year. I didn't miss them so much then because I didn't expect to see them. Now I like to check up on them even though my schedule doesn't allow me to hang out a lot with them and, in truth, it would get old fast.

Forrest cooked some mahi-mahi (on sale, he said) and a Provencal sauce that he made up with tomato, olives, capers and such. That and a salad made a nice meal. He wasn't interested in drinking so I had a beer, a nice German dark one.



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