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May 20, 2001




"Sunday is what it takes to make a house look lived in."

unattributed in 20,000 Quips and Quotes by Evan Esar






cactus blooms from yesterday's walk







never on Sunday

I slept hard. When I work up a few times and went back to the business of sleeping. When I awoke to FFP saying that we should get up, it was after 8AM. I had been dreaming. Of a street with a median but all traffic going the same way (making the U turn someone tried a bad thing). Same street had jets landing. I was on a trip and had taken along not one, but two, letter openers. There was more. Lots of weird work situations with unexpected people and situations turning up. And some lewd dancing that might have come from Carmen with gypsy girls. I haven't captured any dream bits in a while. It makes me feel somehow better to do so. Even though I know it is only data base reorganization. Or so I think.

When I called SuRu, she didn't won't to go but was afraid that I would be upset. Nope. I just started work in an attempt to get it all done before the evening. I already failed to get it done yesterday so it wouldn't be hanging over me today.

Forrest went to La Victoria and got me a couple of chirzo and cheese breakfast tacos, I downed a bunch of Capresso elixir. At noon, I still wasn't done in spite of quite a bit of effort.


It made me crazy sitting at home working all day so I got ready a little early for the open house we were invited to and we went to Barnes and Noble. I got FFP a couple of gifts. For the big anniversary coming.

Open House. Really two open condos on two floors of a complex on W. 7th. Good food, interesting people, interesting decoration.

We left early. So I could work some more and we could watch Simpsons and The Sopranos. I bore myself.



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