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May 3, 2000






another day

Today, I have no quote. Just couldn't find one. [OK, I came back and added one. One that is actually appropriate for the day in a lot of ways. I leave the translation to the reader.]

I struggled a little today. I wanted to reorganize something, improve it. In a stroke, do it, be confident in it and go on vacation. Yeah, right.

Awards ceremonies. Seem like a lot of bother. You gave a lot of money and that's that. (Oh, sure, they give awards for work, too, I guess. But it's really about money, yes?) Increasingly, I don't want to be where I am, particularly. Ho hum. But I did enjoy, after the duty venue, having a nice talk and some food and wine with friends.

I really have absolutely nothing to say. So...I'm exhibiting some mutilated bendies and going to bed. [I had one thing to report for this day and I forgot it! But it's my journal so I'm coming back and revising it to tell you, my readers. See below.]

Bats! It's their season and I spend half my life in the bar, the cafe or on the cafe patio of Four Seasons and the bats leave the Congress Avenue bridge and fly in full view of those areas.

But tonight was the first time I saw them. They are pretty far away from there. They are small and they are flying on the other bank of the river, usually. But there are so many! There are smudgy lines on the sky that undulate, smudgy lines of bats. One day I'll have to go on the bridge and watch and smell and be closer. But I like this distance.

My friends Gayle and Jeff said we should note the time we saw them. It was 8:27 PM. So, if you are going down there to try for a look, keep that in mind.

I understand the bats eat tons of insects, including lots of mosquitoes, every night. Still, they aren't keeping up if my yard is any indication. I put up a bat house a couple of years ago. So far it's unoccupied. I guess there's no housing shortage for bats.






"Son argent redresse les jugements de son espirit. Il a du discernement dans sa bourse."

Moliere, Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme



bendies, mutilated by a puppy...sad indeed

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