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March 17, 2000








Man, it's cold out there. But I didn't wear a jacket to work. Just jeans and an Hawaiian shirt ( else would a Hawaiian shirt be?). It didn't freeze or anything...just cold and damp. Weather report says it will be a little warmer tomorrow.

the things I don't know...
...are legion

Today was a day which tried to prove to me that I knew nothing. The day succeeded. But I whipped it by learning a few things in the end. Most are still mysteries.

It all started with my Internet access not working. I tried booting machines, cycling the modem, calling the ISP. And Forrest tried to locate the guy who put in the Linux gateway machine when I had to go to work. Tonight, it is just working again. Hmm...

At work I would start reading a paper, start puzzling over something I needed to know, consult books, WEB pages or online manuals. Then I'd think of something else and look at more references. Until I couldn't remember where I was. I read one paper which talked about not giving a caller anything that would 'astonish' it. Besides being very well-written otherwise, I wanted to get behind that proposal. What a great word to use in a programming document.

Lunch at Edge City Cafe. SuRu and I always end up there. Great fast food in a casual atmosphere with lots of old magazines to read. Our table had a Solzhenitsyn book...proppng up the table so it would be level. I was reading an old Time magazine and discovered a useless fact...Patricia Highsmith was born in Ft. Worth, Texas. Oh, and she wrote more than one Ripley book. There was some quote from her about people being silly to think justice would be done. Indeed.

We're hoping, SuRu and I (and the dogs, too, I'm sure), that we can do an eXtreme dog walk tomorrow. Sometimes when we are walking we see a place that is really the one shown here with the great fantasy animals on this gate. Reminds me of an artist named Sarah Higdon.

We had thought we had an engagement tonight and it was cancelled. So we had a nice quiet evening. Forrest got some take-out from Luby's. I had liver and onions and spinach. And I drank a little of the bottle of Rhone that we started last night before we went out.

I worked on sorting through the newspaper piles that are accumulating alarmingly while we watched a weird movie from 1961 on DVD ("Last Year at Marienbad"). Forrest found it quite soporific. I kind of enjoyed the weird shots and the French although having to read subtitles interfered with the simultaneous reading so I mostly just tried to pick up what I could from the French.



"The beginnings and endings of all human undertakings are untidy, the building of a house, the writing of a novel, the demolition of a bridge, and eminently, the finish of a voyage."

John Galsworthy, Over the River








fantasy house




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