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March 15, 2000







sick day with java

I didn't feel all that awful. Just dizzy with little passing headaches that developed into face aches. Ah..allergies maybe? Then the decongestant I took to test the theory made me feel a little tired.

So I did what I never do and stayed home sick. I'll bet I've called in sick about ten times in thirty years, including times when I went home from work or the couple of times that I had a surgery. I take a few hours for doctor's appointments like everyon else.

I did work some. Answered e-mail and worked on some projects. I just never felt up to going in. Very weird.

So, of course I have nothing really interesting to say about my day.

Except this. The Capresso machine came back! I don't know how long it will last but it made two nice cups of coffee. Yummy. Then I made myself stop before I was both sick and seriously wired,


I thought my slide scanner lid for my scanner wasn't working but, I think I discovered last night, that it just doesn't work well for certain slides particularly with thick mounts. Add to the things I want: a good slide scanner. No more gadgets until this room is straight! My friend Les is talking about getting a very hot new laptop. I'm still thinking I need a wireless LAN connection, a new laptop, a new (smaller) digital camera and some other stuff I've forgotten. Of course, I don't need any of it. Oh, yeah...a small DVD player for this room (or a DVD on that laptop!). Stop me!

The way I'm organizing and compacting Mom's slides is to divide them into sleeve sheets for different family members or categories. If there are no people or family-significant objects or places, then I'm dumping them into a box. What would one do with thirty-year-old slides of Mesa Verde National Park? Or Disnyeland? The ones with family members are keepers. I have these archival boxes for the sheets (archival) so I can orgnanize it into a small space.

Most of the slides have people in them and they are several decades younger than they are now. There are tons of my nieces.


The picture is a scan from one of those old slides. Got up close enough to this belching steam train to get its good side.


Forrest reported in his journal that one reason he can't get it posted daily is that he is busy with our social calendar. That's kind of true. He really does spend a lot of time organizing our life. In that way and many others. Of course, getting his journal done is a matter of whether he makes it a priority. And how easy he makes it on himself to keep it up. When I mentioned what he posted, he edited it out. That's the cool thing about journals. You can change the past if not the future! And one is not obligated to do it. There are no rules. You can just stop and say, 'So there!'


SuRu wanted to borrow the laundry room so she brought over Chinese from Peony. Tasty. I'm feeling better. A good night's sleep and I should be 100%. I hope so anyway.




"Nearly all men die of their remedies, and not of their illnesses."

Moliθre, Le Malada Imaginaire









the time train




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