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February 13, 2000







sunday brunch

Quite a good group gathered for Valentine's Day (OK, a day early) at Fonda San Miguel around the corner from us. After the fantastic brunch, a few of them came over to wander around the yard and see new things, pat the dog, talk it over.

We started getting a group together to go out for Heart Day two years ago. The first year we had an odd number, one gal came dateless. Last year we had all couples. (Two of these came this year and had married in the interim.) This year we had an odd number (15) again. We are determined to be the only large party celebrating the day. (There was a large 60th birthday party next to us, but that doesn't count.)

We had my adopted son John (not really just almost) and his wife; Nancy and Frank, the blacksmiths; Bob and Janis, an old trombone player who always has his hand in a musical venture and his wife, a natural teller of stories; Nancy, the decorator, and Forest (one r) the lawyer; Anne (calligrapher and performance artist) and Les (investor, fern aficionado and former cowboy); Rebecca, piano player and singer; Sarah (PR) and Bill (audio production); and, of course, us. Good group.

I'm afraid I wasted the afternoon. Played with the WEB page, surfing, answering e-mail. Tried to stay awake.

We went over to SuRu's to see the remodeling progress, walking and taking Chalow with us. We shot up film in both cameras and walked to the drug store to turn them in.

I fought off sleep so I could sleep on schedule and then ended up staying up too late.


"We need new friends; some of us are cannibals who have eaten their old friends up; Others must have ever-renewed audiences before whom to reenact an ideal versoin of their lives."

Logan Pearsall Smith, Aferthoughts



friends in the yard

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