Absorbing it all
A patron of the arts backed into our car at the Symphony Friday night.
Just left it there, our car impaled on his, while he went to Bass Concert
Hall and enjoyed himself. Then he toddled on off, in spite of two people
trying to stop him and the police note on his driver's side window ordering
him not to do that. What really irks me about that fine gentlemen backing
into our car is that he just felt like he could deny it and then drive
away. And obviously, he could, since I am not in the mood to inconvenience
myself any further by filing charges on him, much as I might want to.
That of course, would mean that I would have to waste more time going
to court about the whole thing. I really do want to meet this man someday
and just get a look at what an arrogant jerk he really must be. Frankly,
I am really starting to like the Symphony less and less. Maybe I'm spoiled,
but there is just so much more going on with the Ballet and the Opera--drama,
dancing, the whole nine yards. That goes for theater too--especially
when it's good.
The only thing about the bee deal that got me going was that last year,
I paid a lot of money to get two nests of the things gassed out of our
back yard. And when Linda's dad was describing the setup to me, I thought
he meant that it was going to be some typical stand of cages, rather
than just a strip on the side of my tool shed. I also had visions of
someone at one of our back yard parties getting stung, but hey, I can
just deny guilt and drive away. Maybe I should learn from our friend
at the parking lot. Yeah, that's the ticket. Actually, I was out in
the back yard many of the daylight hours yesterday and they didn't threaten
me, so I guess everything is going to be OK with them.
Well, I'm off the do some mulching. Thought I would dig out as much
of my compost as I can and put it on my flowerbeds. This is too nice
a day not to be outside.